SoundMexPro - The free professional Tool for multi-channel I/O and
real-time Processing of Audio Signals in MATLAB®, GNU Octave and Python
SoundMexPro is a powerful free open source tool for sound applications in MATLAB®, GNU Octave and Python on Microsoft® Windows®.
SoundMexPro turns your applications into a virtual recording studio or a low-latency I/O-DSP-engine.
SoundMexPro is especially designed to implement complex acoustic measurement tasks (Psychoacoustics,
Physical Acoustics, Neurophysiology) with it's MATLAB® object-like or Python dictionary interface respectively

Take advantage of
- low-latency multi-channel ASIO interface
- unlimited number of virtual audio tracks with real-time mixing and processing
- VST plugin interface
- real-time MATLAB®/Octave script plugin interface
- real-time access to recorded data
- low-latency I/O with real-time processing
- graphical user interfaces for mixing and track control
SoundMexPro is open source: load the full version and/or source code from the
Download section.
All features are introduced in the detailed tutorial and some typical
applications are shown in the advanced examples shipped with SoundMexPro.
For detailed information refer to the
Info section. For a list of some references please click
Supported by the German Research Council (DFG, EXC 2177/1; project ID 390895286).
SoundMexPro is available on Zendodo DOI: